What are the best indoor plants for winter

Below, find out a few different species of flowers and plants that we recommend: Dish Garden A major benefit of dish gardens is that they are easy to what are the best indoor plants for winter, so unlike all of the work you may have to do outdoors during the summer months, taking care of these indoors can be a piece of cake! To care for your indoor bonsai, make sure to provide ample water every two or three days, and place it in a spot that receives a great deal of sunlight, but also some shade.
This makes them the perfect plant for winter as they won't need moving to a brighter spot when light levels drop. Alice Bailey, co-founder of Forest which designed a show garden for the House Plant Studio at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show, puts them among her best winter houseplant choices, and says: 'Their thick and fibrous leaves are often slightly curved meaning they can tolerate a strong draft because the surface area exposed to the draught is minimal.
These factors, paired with the fact they need very minimal watering, make them an extremely easy house guest over the winter period. Zamioculcas zamiifolia Karen Musgrave from Hicks Nurseries recommends the stoic Learn more here zamiifolia, or ZZ plant, for forgetful gardeners or those who like to travel, and says it's a great houseplant for winter. This plant tolerates less than optimal conditions and requires little more than well-drained soil and fertilizer every six months. Aspidistra Aspidistra was certainly one of the best winter houseplants as far as the Victorians were concerned and Alice Bailey at Forest explains why it makes the cut for her too, 'As what are the best indoor plants for winter go, Aspidistra has to be one of the most forgiving out there.
Aspidistra elatior is the hardiest variety and has been known to live for up to 50 years, even in poor conditions.
2. Cyclamen
Dan Bruce, owner of Leafy Plants says 'Dracaena marginate, more commonly known as the dragon tree, is a beautiful plant with striking leaves that in certain lights can look like red-edged swords. The waxy 'flowers' are in fact spathes, bright leaves to attract insects in the plant's natural habitat. There are common varieties with white, pink, or red flowers, but many other shades too. The blooms can last up to three months and appear up to six times per year.
Epipremnum Alice Bailey at Forest puts What are the best indoor plants for winter on her list of best winter houseplants, saying 'they are a great winter trailer to have in the home. Their tolerance of deep shade is matched by few other houseplants, and the dark and waxy foliage of the aureum variety, aka money plant, means they can tolerate the dry air coming from central heating and draughts without crisping. This plant looks like a miniature tree, so it will introduce a refreshing burst of greenery to your home, even when the trees outside are leafless. This plant is typically propagated for sale before Thanksgiving, but its pretty red and pink blooms hint at spring. Plus, this houseplant is undeniably low-maintenance.

One of her favorite drought-tolerant picks is a philodendron, like the split-leaf or the monstera, which is an on-trend choice. These plants only need to be watered once every two weeks or so. Pick up the plant and get familiar with its typical weight. These periods should also correspond to how often you water them, says de Los Angeles Rodriguez Jimenez.

For example, the fiddle leaf fig tree should be watered once every two weeks during the growing season, but only needs water about once a month during the winter. Also keep in mind that water evaporates more slowly in a chilly room than a hot one, so pay attention to whether the room is drafty and damp or dry and hot. One of my favorite plants to bring inside for winter is the coleus, which makes a marvelous houseplant! Before you bring them in though, you need to clean the plants and debug them. Here's how I do it. Debug houseplants for winter The first thing I do is to rinse the plants with water from the hose. I hold the plants sideways and spray what are the best indoor plants for winter water from hose lightly to clean and debug leaves.
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The water pressure should be high enough to dislodge bugs and grime, but not hard enough to harm leaves. Check leaves, stems and soil for visible pests.

Pests will need removed manually or you can use an insecticidal soap if you have one. I like this one: Earth Tone Insecticidal Soap spray. Just follow the directions on the bottle. If you don't actually see signs of pests then this is not completely necessary, but of course this depends on your situation.
1. Polyanthus
If you battle spider mites or other small bugs frequently then the extra step is necessary. I like to make a spray of Dr Bronner's pure castile soap watered down at a ratio of 1 Tbsp Castile soap to 1 quart of water. Spray both the tops and underneath of leaves to get all remaining insects or eggs. Some people prefer to use Neem oil but it has an overpowering scent that I don't particularly like.
What are the best indoor plants for winter Video
17 houseplant that can survive darkest corner of your house / The Best Low Light HouseplantsWhat are the best indoor plants for winter - join
Seven best indoor plants for fall and winter When choosing plants for inside your home, steer clear of those needing a lot of sunlight.Tropical plants are the go-to choice because they thrive indoors. The ZZ plant zamioculcas zamifolia fits in with any decor. Ferns require a humid environment to thrive. Add a pop of color to a room with a well-placed orchid. Peace lilies prefer low to medium light.

Hurricane plants are known for their distinctive leaves. Chinese evergreens are very durable houseplants. But that's not the end of sprucing up your decor with some natural elements. Editors' Recommendations. If you fall into that category, why not try indoor winter gardening?
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