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How to get monetized on youtube

how to get monetized on youtube


Precisely know: How to get monetized on youtube

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I almost gave up.

how to get monetized on youtube

Make sure they can find you later. A content creator can generate funding for their creative projects such as books, films, or albums.

How to get monetized on youtube - seems excellent

You can either explore a project-based revenue or recurring income model.

how to get monetized on youtube

One caveat; your idea has to be compelling enough that your followers are willing to pitch in and support you to completion. Success also depends on your niche and what your donors get in exchange. For example, you could include a shout-out to the donors at the end of each video, host a video chat with them every month, or exclusive behind-the-scenes clips.

how to get monetized on youtube

YouTube has a list of approved crowdfunding sites ; however, the following two platforms have a proven track record of successful crowdfunding campaigns on YouTube: Kickstarter Kickstarter is one of the most popular crowdfunding sites. A content creator can generate funding for their creative projects such as books, films, or albums.

Why YouTube?

Veronica Mars — a little-watched but much loved TV show canceled after three seasons — is an excellent example of a cast and creator using Kickstarter to raise funding. You can set up an all-or-nothing campaign similar to Kickstarter or a flexible campaign you keep whatever funds you raised.

how to get monetized on youtube

However, you should probably still offer some perks for their donation. How to get monetized on youtube

How to get monetized on youtube Video

I got MONETIZED as fast as I could - HERE'S HOW

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