Are soft drinks bad for your teeth

Many people drink diet soda to help with weight loss, thinking it's a better option. However, the acids contained in diet drinks are just as bad for your teeth as their sugary counterparts. Diet sodas may not contain sugar, but they typically cause the same dental erosion.
High Acidity in Soda Damages Your Teeth
Both regular and diet soda weaken and dissolve your tooth enamel, which shows up as tooth sensitivity, chalky appearance, pitting in the teeth and opacity changes. It's well-known that drinking soda or "pop" is linked to cavities, obesity, diabetes, and osteoporosis. The sugar found in soda mixes with the bacteria in your mouth to form acids that attack your teeth. These "attacks" last around 20 minutes which restarts after each sip. Ongoing acid attacks on your here weaken your tooth enamel and make you more susceptible to tooth decay.
Diet and sugar-free sodas contain their own acids, though, which causes similar damage to your oral health. Plaque is a thin, invisible, sticky film of bacteria and other materials.

It covers all the surfaces of all your teeth. When sugars or starches in your mouth come in contact with plaque, acids form. These acids can attack your teeth for 20 minutes or longer after you eating. Repeated attacks can break down the hard enamel on the surface of teeth.
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This leads to tooth decay. The bacteria in plaque also triggers an inflammatory response. This causes the breakdown of the gums, bone, and other supporting structures of your teeth. Some foods invite tooth decay. Other foods help fight plaque buildup. Here are some foods to seek out and some to stay away from. The good guys Some suggested foods: Fiber-rich fruits and vegetables.
They also get saliva flowing.
What causes dental erosion?
Next to good home dental care, this is your best natural defense against cavities and gum disease. About 20 minutes after you eat something that has sugars or starches, your saliva begins to reduce the effects of the acids and enzymes attacking your teeth. Saliva contains traces of calcium and phosphate.
So it also restores minerals to areas of teeth that have lost them from the bacterial acids. Cheese, milk, plain yogurt, and other dairy products. Cheese is another saliva maker. The calcium and phosphates in milk, cheese, and other dairy products, help put back minerals teeth might have lost due to other foods.
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After acidic meals or beverages, rinse your mouth with water, drink milk, or enjoy a little cheese. Dairy and other calcium-rich foods can help neutralize acids. It's also good to limit snacking between meals, so your saliva has time to rebalance its pH. Cutting down on your sugar is a healthy choice to make, but it isn't guaranteed to protect your enamel. Be mindful of the acids in your drinks and take diligent care of your oral hygiene — and you should be on track for healthy teeth! Want more tips and offers sent directly to your inbox?

Sign up now This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding medical condition or treatment.
Are soft drinks bad for your teeth - apologise
From a dental health perspective, this is pretty good news, though filtered tap provides necessary fluoride, any still water is better than no water. More concerning is that carbonated soft drinks came in second at 22 percent.
Drinking a Coke bathes your teeth in sugar, and that sugar feeds bacteria in your mouth, forming acid that attacks your teeth and eats through your enamel. This acidity can also weaken your teeth in other ways. As the body attempts to neutralize the added acidity in your stomach, calcium and other minerals with higher pH values may be leached to balance it out. This means calcium and phosphorous that would normally support healthy teeth gets redirected to help neutralize excess acid in your stomach. Soft drinks contain phosphoric and nitric acid that also attack your teeth. You can also use a straw to limit a drink's contact with your teeth, brush your teeth before drinking anything dark-colored so there's less plaque for the staining-agents to stick are soft drinks bad for your teeth drink water following any other beverage to rinse your mouth out.
Everything you drink has the potential to impact your teeth — and you want to protect your smile from unsightly discoloration and deeper problems like erosion and decay.
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