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What time is judge jeanine on fox news tonight

what time is judge jeanine on fox news tonight

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Carlson went on to praise the network for never giving in to pressure from "institutions across our society" to tell hosts to stop talking about certain things or for never taking them off the air. I'm telling the truth," he said. We have lost that. We are back in the Paris Climate Accord. We are back in these nonsensical deals that hurt Americans and do nothing but virtue signal.

That is what this administration, the Biden-Harris or Harris-Biden administration is all about virtue signaling. It's ridiculous. PIRRO: Well, and you know, in last to you, Congressman Donalds, you know, the truth is that, you know, America, according to Joe Biden is now in a better situation with the rest of the world. What is your take on that -- on his foreign policy, especially with Iran? DONALDS: We're in a better position because of what President Trump did holding What time is judge jeanine on fox news tonight accountable, holding Russia accountable, holding China this web page, but unfortunately, what they're looking at in this administration is weakness. The Iranians are licking their chops because they know they're trying to get a pile of new money, and they're going to start with their nuclear fusion program again.

The Russians feel that they have more room. We're not in a good place.

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What we need across the world -- and this is consistent. I don't care if you're a Republican or Democrat -- you need to project American strength and American power. That doesn't mean you're going to war, that doesn't mean you're dropping troops all over the world, what it means is making sure these foreign leaders understand that America means business. We're not going to put up with foolishness, and that you're going to behave yourself. That's why with our relationship with North Korea, the last four years was the calmest it has ever been because Kim Jong-un understood that President Trump meant business. Congressman Byron Donalds and Laura Trump, thanks so much for being with us tonight.

But first, frightening news threats from an old enemy. Can Biden's national security policy keep America safe?

what time is judge jeanine on fox news tonight

Ric Grenell breaks it all down next, don't go away. Al Qaeda resurfacing with a chilling threat against America that they will continue war on all fronts until all U. This, while just a few weeks ago, we heard a dire warning about at least two people on the terror watch list coming in at our vulnerable southern border. All right, good evening, Ric. Let's talk about not just the entrance of the illegals who are coming through the southern border, but terrorists coming through the southern border. And then I'd like you to make a comment on Al Qaeda. I mean, when was the last time you heard Al Qaeda?

I mean, Al-Qaeda? This is a real problem for the Biden administration. I think Congressman Donalds said it best. He said what Trump gave was accountability, and I couldn't agree more. And what we have right now is an administration that wants to be liked. And you can't be in these situations and want to be liked, because that gives the power over to others. So whether it's the border issue, whether it's our enemies inside Afghanistan, whether it's the Russians build up in the Ukraine, we are seeing all of these other countries and leaders testing Joe Biden to see how far they can go. And right now, Biden's criteria is -- he is allowing people to go really far, push the limits, because he doesn't want to be disliked. He wants the world to like him and for us to kind of hug and move forward.

And when what time is judge jeanine on fox news tonight have that criteria, when you have the criteria that you really want the other side to like you, you become really weak and the power goes into their hands. What we're seeing is the messaging from the Biden administration is a welcome attitude towards people who are jumping the line and trying to sneak into the country. When you try to welcome people who are breaking the law, the message gets out to groups all over the world, that the border is porous, and that you can get into the United States.

This is going to be a problem, what time is judge jeanine on fox news tonight we've seen in the past, where not only just Latin Americans who are trying to break the law and come into our country. But we've seen terrorists try to come in through the United States southern border. This is a real problem, and what -- again, I go back to what the Biden administration has to be able to do is say to the world, look, we're very generous. A million people a year get to become U. So we have to make sure that we shut down the southern border, that we stop that from line jumpers and terrorists from coming in. PIRRO: And with the Biden administration, with the policies that they have of people, their needs to have other countries like us and go back into like the Paris Climate Accord and everything else.

I mean, they see us as weaker, but those in the Middle East in particular, they actually, if they're on the same Al Qaeda, Their mission is to kill us. How do we stop this? We need to have an America First policy. We have a policy that's best for Americans and then our diplomats need to go out and convince other countries why our policy is also good for click at this page. And by the way, we did that in the Trump administration. We were able to show our Arab allies that when America is strong, you are better protected.

There's a rule system. I mean, let's just take joining the Paris Climate Accord for one example, a whole bunch of countries want us to join because they want money. They want us to pay, but we're already doing the hard work of lowering our CO2, building our economy.

We did this during the Trump administration. China and India are not. Let's start holding people accountable as the Congressman said. Thanks for being with us. And next, the true cost of Biden's spending spree goes beyond tax hikes. It has to do with the character of our country. Steve Moore joins me after the break to explain. Don't go anywhere. Investment advice from Berkshire Hathaway Chairman Warren Buffett at how to turn off voice control roku tv annual stockholders meeting. Buffett warning people not to think investing have what are the coronavirus rules for scotland final an easy way to make a fortune and gamble on the stock market.

The investing legend also slamming free trading platforms such as Robinhood, which quote, "only encouraged gambling. And a record setting day in Louisville, Kentucky with longshot Medina Spirit winning by half a length to give trainer Bob Baffert his seventh Derby win. That is the most ever by a trainer. The race was a smaller affair than normal with only 50, spectators.

That is compared to the normalI'm Ashley Strohmier. Our President is trying to purchase his popularity with a cradle to grave government that gives away money in exchange for power. And the consequences of this are far more dangerous than the Democrats are letting on. Joining me now to explain what the President won't, economist Steve Moore. All right, Steve, thanks so much for being with us. I mean, these are massive numbers and my big worry, Judge, is that we are going to bankrupt our country. I mean, what's going to happen when the Chinese stop buying all of our trillions of dollars of bonds? What's going to happen to inflation? All right, now, the President says that he's not going to tax the middle class.

And by the way, I hope no American really believes that this is going to be funded by just the billionaires. They have their tax lawyers, Judge. They have their accountants, they have their lobbyists. They're going to find their ways around these taxes. Every time the liberals talk about raising taxes on the rich and soaking the rich, it's time for the middle class to get their umbrella because they're coming after you because that's where the money is in this country.

And by the way, they're already talking about a massive energy tax, Judge. And energy is used by every American household in America. I'm paying more -- I don't know if you've been to the gas pump lately, but I'm paying more than ever for gasoline right now, and I think a lot of people are, and it is the first sign of this kind of inflation that a lot of economists think will come if we make the mistake of passing all of this government spending and debt.

PIRRO: It's going to be -- they are going to be like a gas tax and pain at the pump and all of that other stuff. And so, to the class ofI say congratulations. You had four wonderful years in college, you now enter real life. Real life is hard. Real challenges. Yes, they took much from us that day, and the ripple effect is still with us. What have we learned in 20 years? Are we any safer now? Are we still vulnerable? Sadly, I believe we're more vulnerable. There is a deficit of leadership today, the kind we need to vote protect and chart a course for America's safety. You don't even have to look at a poll to know instinctively that only 39 percent of Americans approve of Joe Biden, his lies, his ineptitude, and his determination to choose politics and ideology over the safety of America and her citizens.

It what time is judge jeanine on fox news tonight evident day after day. On this, one of the most sacred days on the American calendar, we are left what time is judge jeanine on fox news tonight one of the most feeble, feckless, confused, and inept Presidents. One day, he says we won't leave Americans behind, and on the next, proudly admits he lied. And since he left only 10 percent of the Americans behind, then sadly, his brainwashed minions come out and stick up for his lies. We once again are rising in prominence around the world as a place of refuge. We're being celebrated. We're leading. Secretary, when the British Parliament condemns the United States, and when we vacate Bagram Air Base at night without telling our allies, we're not being celebrated and we're not leading.

And while the administration tells us the Taliban is kinder and gentler, they shoot women who don't cover their faces in the street, and they go door to door looking to shoot anyone working with Americans, and they beat reporters. Lies, constantly, come out of our White House. Days after Americans were incensed about the death of our 13 service members, the Biden puppets decided to tell us they launched a drone to kill our enemies. In reality, that drone killed seven children. They hit the wrong car. They lied to us and said they took out Taliban facilitators. Look, the satellites we have are so sophisticated, you can read a license plate from outer space. The same people who allowed terrorists with suicide vests to be frisked are the same people who targeted the wrong car killing seven innocent children.

what time is judge jeanine on fox news tonight

And this administration stands in front of the American people and lie and say they went after the enemy that killed our servicemen? But despite that, you and I have to keep fighting for the America we know and love. In honor of people like Todd Beamer who saved countless lives by foiling al-Qaeda's plot to crash Flight 93 into another U. Listen to this from the father about the last conversation Todd had what time is judge jeanine on fox news tonight his wife.

And he said we're probably not going to make it out of this. But then his last words, you know, "Are you guys ready? Let's roll. We must never forget. She sat down with our Martha MacCallum to reflect on the last 20 years. The very people he visit web page referring to are the ones that sheltered Osama bin Laden, the ones that provided him a safe haven while they practiced storming the cockpits and killing all the pilots. I felt the Americans all around me. I am so tired of all this woke nonsense, the creation of division. Our own so-called Commander-in-Chief pitting groups against each other. I'm tired of defunding police and wasting my time and energy trying to fight those who hate America and hate our flag. It is time for us to drown their voices out. It is time for the silent majority to stand up at the Star Spangled Banner and decry those who take a knee.

I want to live in a country that understands that we are lucky to be in this experiment of democracy together. And no one -- no one can ever divide us. And that's my open. Let me know what you think of my Facebook and Twitter, JudgeJeanine. Here now with reaction to my open and much more as we remember the 20th anniversary of September 11th, retired U. Thank you both for being here tonight. The way I see it, guys, what we had was the Taliban running Afghanistan inand here we are 20 years later, the Taliban is running Afghanistan armed to the teeth with all of the military supplies that we left them and now, we're trying to bring them into nation saying they're cooperative and business like in their negotiations. I'll start with you first, what say you, Jake, about all this? I was said. I was angry, and I wanted revenge. And I think the first what time is judge jeanine on fox news tonight there was planted of the call for me to serve our country in uniform.

But, you know, fast forward 20 years, we have a feckless incompetent administration, that you're exactly what time is judge jeanine on fox news tonight is making us less safe than ever before. He treats the Taliban as an equal regime, which of course, they are not. They are a terrorist organization. Our enemies -- China, North Korea, Iran, the Russians -- they see this weakness and incompetence and fecklessness on the international stage and it makes America less safe. But I think more importantly, we are less safe at home domestically. This country tragically is full of Marxist radicals who want to destroy the very foundations of this nation.

They want to root it out. They want to destroy it root and stem because every Marxist regime has to start from scratch. There can be no history, there only has to be a future. And so it's a very dangerous time for us in America today. I was just at a Razorback football game, there were great signs of unity. I hope that continues. But look, it's a very dangerous time for all Americans, both domestically and internationally. And one of your tweets today says that "Every Islamic terrorist is celebrating this victory over the U. It's hard to decide who's more evil. The terrorists murdering their way through Afghanistan right now, or you and those responsible for this? And you know, citing the moment that he knew about all of this and how he vowed that they would never win. And, you know, Judge, the thing that I just cannot -- I just cannot understand how we can be doing this. These are the people that have extended a hand of friendship to the United States continue reading decades, right, without them, nothing we've done over there would have been possible.

And as Jake will tell you, you know, what you've done here is obliterate your human intelligence capability, because nobody trusts the United States anymore. And why would they? We literally took the lists of American citizens, and also green card holders, and special interest visa holders, and any other Afghan who worked with click here and was vulnerable and at risk.

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And we gave it to the Afghan al- Qaeda to hunt them down and what time is judge jeanine on fox news tonight them. And then every time a handful of Americans gets on a plane for the theater of read article Taliban, we all celebrate. And I don't believe it's incompetence, because there's way too many indications that we know exactly what we are doing. Every standard operating procedure from whether it's disintegrating machines that are supposed to destroy our data, to the attack planes, and all the military equipment that we have in place.

There's million things that we could be doing right now to change the outcome. Some of the lies, Judge. Thank you for including us. There are still Afghans fighting today, Special Operations Forces that never gave up. The democratically elected leader of Afghanistan, the acting President Amrullah Saleh is still fighting today, and we have chosen to side with terrorists, and we are intending to fund them with U. And Jake is right, we have never been more vulnerable. We've never been more isolated. And for some insane reason. We're breaking the law negotiating with terrorists, supporting terrorists. We were even going to give the Air Force any sensitive Intelligence capabilities that are in Uzbekistan right now from Afghan pilots who fled.

what time is judge jeanine on fox news tonight

We agreed to give those to the Taliban. Not just leave the weapons they have in their hands, but give them more.

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She joined the network in and is based out of New York.

Her notable legal career spans over 30 what time is judge jeanine on fox news tonight. Inshe became an assistant district attorney for Westchester County, New York and was the first female to prosecute murder cases there. InPirro was elected as the first woman to serve as a Westchester County Court judge. Inshe was appointed by then-Governor George Pataki to chair the New York State Commission on Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board, whose research helped pass increased protection for domestic violence victims. Pirro earned a B.

Agree, the: What time is judge jeanine on fox news tonight

IS PURE LEAF UNSWEETENED BLACK TEA HEALTHY Judge Jeanine will have to find justice at a later date. Jeanine Pirro's weekly Fox News Channel program Justice with Judge Jeanine is being replaced tonight at 9 p.m.

with a repeat of the. Fox News @ Night; FOX News Primetime; Fox News Reporting; Fox News Sunday; Geraldo Rivera Reports; Hannity; Justice with Judge Jeanine; Legends & Lies: The Patriots; Life, Liberty & Levin; #mediabuzz; Outnumbered; Scandalous; Special Report; Specials; Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo; The Faulkner Focus; The Five; The Greg Gutfeld. Jeanine Pirro currently hosts Justice with Judge Jeanine (Saturday, 9PM/ET). She also serves as a legal analyst for FOX News Channel (FNC) what time is judge jeanine on fox news tonight she provides legal insight across the network’s.

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Inshe became an assistant district attorney for Westchester County, New Just click for source and was the first female to prosecute murder cases there.

Carlson went on to praise the network for never giving in to pressure from "institutions across our society" to tell hosts to stop talking about certain things or for never taking them off the air. I'm telling the truth," he said. What time is judge jeanine on fox news tonight

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