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What happens when you go into hospital with covid-19

what happens when you go into hospital with covid-19

Neptune says, and this is one of the many unique challenges of treating those patients. And those settings often change as time goes on, Dr. These are usually saved for less severe cases. When someone has a condition that affects the lungs, which might be something like an injury to the muscles the lungs need to draw a breath or a respiratory illness like COVIDrelated pneumonia, mechanical ventilation can help give their body the oxygen and time it needs to recover. How long do people usually stay on ventilators? Depending on the condition that needs to be treated, a patient might be on a ventilator for a few hours or days.

what happens when you go into hospital with covid-19

Options include: increasing the proportion of oxygen in the air you breathe and improving delivery of air into your lungs, using high-flow nasal oxygen HFNO or continuous positive airway pressure CPAP supporting your breathing mechanical ventilation increasing the levels of oxygen in your blood extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, ECMO. Those needing extra help to breathe will be treated in intensive care.

Shutterstock If you need mechanical ventilation or ECMO you will be cared for in an ICU and will require medications to provide sedation and pain relief. As they change, your care team may change the type or amount of support for breathing you receive. As you recover, they will gradually reduce the amount of breathing support you receive so your body takes on more of the work of breathing as it can. Salter says some patients in the ICU stay for about two weeks. There are also patients who have extended hospital stays, followed by an even longer recovery period in a long-term care facility.

Often, these are patients who experienced multi-organ damage as a result of the infection. What about recovery after discharge? A patient who is discharged from the hospital isn't necessarily fully recovered. Though doctors are still learning about the long-term impact the virus has on the body, it's well that the effects from time spent in the hospital — and the ICU, especially — can persist for months to years, says Dale Needham, M. Some people never get back to their former state.

Even routine tasks, such as walking up a home's front steps, become insurmountable for some. Delirium — a sudden change in the brain that causes mental confusion or disorientation — is another effect of hospitalization that can linger long after discharge. The same goes for depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. McKoy says patients and family members should bring up rehabilitation with their doctor before they leave the hospital.

what happens when you go into hospital with covid-19

And for more up-to-date information, sign up for our daily newsletter. Poston says no matter what the underlying cause is, the inability to wake or stay awake is a clear "sign that there has been a change in the brain's chemistry," which is an issue that needs to be medically investigated immediately. You should seek immediate medical care if you are caring for someone with COVID and they lose consciousness. Jenna Liphart Rhoads, PhD, a registered nurse and medical educator for Nurse Together, previously told Best Life that blue lips is considered a "late" sign of oxygen deprivationwhich means fatality could be imminent. You could be given oxygen to help you breathe better. You might be given an epinephrine injection, an albuterol inhalation or similar medications.

what happens when you go into hospital with covid-19

These drugs can help relax muscles in the airways and increase airflow to the lungs. Medical staff will continue to watch you for signs of secondary infection as COVID compromises the immune system and can cause hyperinflammation throughout the body.

Opinion: What happens when you go into hospital with covid-19

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