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So what do you say in spanish

so what do you say in spanish

Again, use the infinitive to describe your own actions and the subjunctive to describe the actions of others. No me gusta jugar al tenis. For example: Me molesta el viento. The wind is bothering me. Me molestan las moscas. The flies are bothering me. Looking for other ways to talk about things that bother you? You can also use me fastidia it upsets meme agobia it overwhelms me or me preocupa it worries me.

Birthday Songs

But why limit yourself? Spanish is a colorful and passionate language, with a number of fascinating ways to express dislike. Es tan fuerte mi amor por ti. Alternative: Es muy fuerte my amor por ti.

so what do you say in spanish

He did it so poorly. Lo hizo tan mal. Alternative: Lo hizo muy mal. The city is so small that once you leave downtown there's nothing else. Why is it so difficult for us to be happy?

Why Learn Spanish?

The meat was so tasty that it needed only salt. La carne era tan rica que solo necesitaba sal. I need to lose 20 pounds in two months or so. I'm going to buy myself an aquarium holding liters or so. Me voy a comprar un acuario de litros aproximadamente.

They stole 20, or so pesos from her. Of course not. Now you see why this one is quite weird.

so what do you say in spanish

English translation: I hope you get by a fish! Even though cookies are delicious, and no one would think that they can be insulting, they can be. Now, you must be wondering how is that possible? It seems like the Spanish like to compare food and insults.

You can say this about someone who has bad intentions. It means to splurge, spend a lot of money, or otherwise go all out for a special occasion.

Happy Birthday in Spanish

That was a lot to go through, but you made it. I hope you learned some helpful phrases to start speaking with others in Spanish.

So what do you say in spanish Video

Spanish Lesson: 4 ways to ask \

So what do you say in spanish - opinion

Was it totally embarrassing?

so what do you say in spanish I learn from it? Oh, you bet I did. When learning a foreign language, making a fool of yourself from time to time is inevitable. However, by learning about false cognates you can save yourself from making huge Spanish slip-ups!

Everyone makes mistakes. Learning a new language is sometimes like feeling your way blindfolded through a minefield.

Good idea: So what do you say in spanish

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There are some differences worth highlighting, however, in Spanish pronunciation, Spanish grammar and Spanish vocabulary across different varieties.

Whenever you want to express that someone or something does some action or is something else, you need a Spanish verb.

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