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How do you say please open the door in spanish

how do you say please open the door in spanish

We have opened the door for the years to come. This is all about enlargement by the back door. They need to get a foot in the door. Tienen que meter el pie en la puerta. That door has almost been closed. Am I to interpret that as closing the door on Turkey?

This is a door of opportunity we cannot close to them. Es una puerta a la oportunidad que no podemos cerrarles. This is an open door to abuse and avoidance. Esto abre la puerta al abuso y los intentos de eludir la normativa. But the door remains open.

how do you say please open the door in spanish

Pero la puerta sigue abierta. Frankenstein is lurking at the door! Frankenstein acecha tras la puerta. Will this open the door to all the other sectors? But history is knocking on our door. Pero la historia llama a nuestra puerta. Who is knocking on the door of the European Union? The door to Europe should be open for Ukraine. In fact, it is not our door but that of the European Commission. If you have no time, walk out that door now. Si usted no tiene tiempo, salga ya por esa puerta. I do not like the back door. No me gustan los secretos.

how do you say please open the door in spanish

So this charge has to be laid at the door of the Council. To close the door in their faces is not right. Cerrarles las puertas en las narices no es justo. The door has not been closed to Turkey, it has been opened. In doing so, you are opening the door to abuse.

Con ello abren de par en par la puerta al abuso. We need a comprehensive approach to make this a genuine door-to-door concept. We must get a foot in the door. The next gust of wind will open that door. Should we not open up this debate? Your fanaticism is out in the open. It should be open and transparent. We should open up negotiations with them. O sea, nosotros brindamos la posibilidad de negociaciones directas con ellos. It is open to question. Hay dudas. That is an open secret. Esto es un secreto a voces. This is an open question. What is open for negotiation? I must be open about this. Tengo que decirlo con toda franqueza.

how do you say please open the door in spanish

We are doing so with a very open mind. Lo estamos haciendo con mucha objetividad. That part has most open. ese respecto ha habido la mayor apertura.

Nor did we have open borders. Open Parliament means open standards. Parlamento Abierto significa normas abiertas. Our European markets are open to those who open theirs, but they are closed to those who close them. I think it is in our common interest to have not only open societies but open economies. I should very much like to see open debate and open procedure. Me gusta la idea de un debate y un proceso abiertos. The matter is still open. We need to open that debate. Debemos iniciar ese debate. We are also open to opportunities for strengthening them.

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