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How do i prevent someone from seeing my posts on instagram without blocking them

Can you hide the notification of the posts that you liked? It makes sense to hide activity on Instagram when you do not want your current partner to find out you liked the selfie of your ex. Sometimes people also want to hide their activities because they do not want other people to know that they are online or give others an idea of their wherabouts.

Let us say you called in sick, but you are actually on a day trip to a nearby beach and are tempted to post a photo or two. You would not want your colleagues to know, right? Whatever your reason is we just hope it is not for some sketchy purposewe will discuss how to hide likes comments and other activities on Instagram.

So let us go back to our initial question: How can I hide my Instagram activity? Is it possible? The truth of the matter is, you cannot directly hide Instagram activity or hide Instagram posts. Your shares, likes, and comments will be visible to link followers no matter what you do. You can choose to delete them or change your profile settings to lower your online visibility. The best way to maintain your privacy is to conscientiously choose the people whom you follow, and like and comment on posts that will not get you into any trouble when viewed by others. We know this is not always possible, so we will tell you how to hide Instagram activity from followers by using some tried and tested tricks.

This option does exactly what it says does- it hides your online status from your followers. Be warned, though, that your actions will still be shown once you make one: a like, a comment, a follow. Three simple steps for hiding your activity status from your Instagram followers. In this section, we will quickly go through the other measures you can take to further hide your Instagram activity.

Switch to Private Mode You can use this mode to hide your followers from the public. Only the followers previously on your list will be able to see your followers. Anyone who wants to follow you will also require your permission. This option also makes your pictures and videos private and people who are not on your follower list would not be able to view them. Block Followers from Instagram If you are wondering how to hide Instagram posts from certain followers, then the best way can be to block those followers.

It may seem drastic, but that is the only way you can hide your Instagram posts from certain people. You can do the same for all the other users you want to hide your account from. Regardless of which of the abovementioned options you eventually choose, prevention is still better than cure. The best way to prevent people from discovering your followers is to decide whom to follow wisely. Do not follow people who will cause problems if they show up on your follower list.

If you do not want to follow a person anymore, then again, just unfollow them. Being meticulous and proactive when it comes to the users that you follow is better than wondering if you can hide whom you follow on Instagram! There are some things you can do about it: 1. Unlike Your Likes How do you like a picture on Instagram? By clicking like on it! How do you unlike a post on Instagram? Once they are link, you will be able to post content on Instagram and share it directly to Facebook.

Such Instagram problems can only be fixed by reinstalling the app. Following Other Accounts There might be a time when you may not be allowed to follow someone anymore. This happens because Instagram has a limit on the number of accounts you can follow. This number is capped at If you do spot some accounts that are following more than people, it may be because they had done so before the new rules came into effect. Switching Between Accounts This was one of the most annoying Instagram problems how do i prevent someone from seeing my posts on instagram without blocking them there.

To switch accounts, you would have to log out from one and then log into the other one. This was a lot of hassle in the past.

It was one of the most common Instagram problems that users complained of. However, with the new updates, Instagram has solved this problem for you. All you need to do is log in to the first account and head to the profile. To switch accounts, you can either go to the profile and tap on the account name and select the account.

Or, you can simply long-press on the profile icon and select the account you wish to open. This way, you can easily switch between your personal and business accounts. Problems Playing Videos Some Instagram users have faced issues with playing videos on the social media platform.

Instead, the screen shows the loading sign — a spinning circle. There can be various reasons for this Instagram problem. Some of them include: Poor internet connection. Power saving mode is on. Step 2: Scroll down and hit Resharing to stories. Then disable it on the next screen. Hide Story Instagram offers different privacy settings for posts and stories.

While you cannot change the privacy of individual posts, you can customize the privacy of stories.

That is, you can hide stories from specific followers. Step 2: Select the followers from whom you want to hide stories under the Hide story from option. Approve Tagged Posts Instagram has a separate section for tagged photos and videos. When a person tags you, it will be added automatically to your profile. Once you approve them, only then they will be added to your profile.

Step 2: Disable the Add Automatically option. Note: You can also hide your existing tagged posts using the Hide photos setting present under Photos of you. Also on Guiding Tech Read More 9. Clear Search History If you frequently search for a person or a hashtag, it will then appear under the search tab.

To remove these results, you have to clear the search history. To do so, open Instagram Settings and tap on Search history. Then on the next screen, tap on Clear search history. Sometimes, even after clearing the search history, previous search queries are still visible. Say Hello To Privacy As one of the quotes goes, 'Not everyone needs to know everything about you', this stands true for social media. So we should use the privacy settings offered to us by Instagram to our best use. Last updated on 20 Aug, The above article may contain affiliate links which help support Guiding Tech. However, it does not affect our editorial integrity. The content remains unbiased and authentic.

How do i prevent someone from seeing my posts on instagram without blocking them Video

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