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How can i report a story to the news

how can i report a story to the news

If the story hinges on documents, as opposed to interviews, the reporter must describe how documents were obtained, at least to the extent possible. The story also must provide attribution that establishes the source's credibility; simply quoting "a source" is not allowed. We should be as descriptive as possible: "according to top White House aides" or "a senior official in the British How can i report a story to the news Office.

We must not say that a person declined comment when that person the person is already quoted anonymously. And we should not attribute information to anonymous sources when it is obvious or well known. We should just state the information as fact. Stories that use anonymous sources must carry a reporter's byline. If a reporter other than the bylined staffer contributes anonymous material to a story, that reporter should be given credit as a contributor to the story. All complaints and questions about the authenticity or veracity of anonymous material — from inside or outside the AP — must be promptly brought to the news manager's read article. Before any interview in which any degree of anonymity is expected, there should be a discussion in which the ground rules are set explicitly.

how can i report a story to the news

The information can be used with no caveats, quoting the source by name. Off the record. Tips on Writing a News Report Tips on Writing a News Report When writing a news report, it's important to concentrate on four elements — facts, context, impact, and emotion. How you combine these four elements will determine the success of your news story. Read on for a wealth of tips on writing a news report, as well as a few helpful examples.

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Facts First, you can hardly call it a news story without the facts. Otherwise, it quickly becomes an opinion piece or a lifestyle article. Not only does the public expect facts over opinionsbut they also expect the journalist to follow sound fact-checking procedures. Context In news writing, context answers the question, "Why how can i report a story to the news I care? The American Press Institute cites context as a nice way to gain new readers through an entry point they can relate to. Context provides the circumstances surrounding the facts of the news story. Impact Impact touches on the "why we should care" theme too. News writing is, indeed, an art form.

Once you take something off the official wire, you have to weave it into a story people will connect with. Impact keeps readers in tune beyond the headline and the lead, or opening sentence. What are the ramifications or potential consequences of this news story? How will this series of events affect me and my loved ones? Emotion The American Press Institute says emotion commands attention and fosters a communal feeling. Evoking emotion is the magic of news reporting. Writers must walk the fine line between cold, hard facts and a tug on emotional heartstrings.


It also means double-checking the information you get to make sure it's accurate. And don't forget to check the spelling of your source's name. Not all quotes are created equal—some are compelling, and others fall flat. Pick the quotes that grab your attention and expand the story, and chances are they'll grab your reader's attention as well.


Even if you have strong feelings about the issue you're covering, you must learn to set those feelings aside and become a dispassionate observer who does objective reporting. Remember, a news story isn't about what you think—it's about what your sources have to say.

But the most interesting story in the world isn't worth much if no one reads it, and if you don't write a knock-their-socks-off ledechances are no one will give your story a second glance. To craft a great lede, think about what makes your story unique and what you find interesting about it. Keeping an angle to how can i report a story to the news new story is a standard technique and it is not necessarily bad since this highlights the purpose and the main focus of your news story. Always keep it objective and, obviously, never subjective. Always be nonpartisan. As mentioned above, you just have to make sure that you have tried to cover all sides of the story and never just one or two.

For example, there was a road accident wherein a car crashed into a motorcycle.

how can i report a story to the news

Do not only take into account the statements of the driver of the car and the driver of the motorcycle—you also have to get the statement of the traffic enforcers, the police who responded to the incident, and yes, including the onlookers or the ones who were able to witness the incident. Do not add anything just to make your story more interesting because you are not anymore writing a news story but you are already writing fiction.

If you fear that you will not be to catch on what your interviewee had said, make sure you record whatever he or she says.

how can i report a story to the news

Speaking of interviews, if it is a scheduled or planned, phone call or face-to-face interview, you have to make sure that you have asked permission that you will are to record your interview with that person as there are some countries who would consider recording any kind of conversation or interview as illegal.

Ideal answer: How can i report a story to the news

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Scientists think tuberculosis can spread in aerosols, upending understanding of disease: Click to see more Updated: Oct.

Published: Oct. This photomicrograph revealed the presence of a numerous, Gram-positive, rod-shaped, mycobacterium tuberculosis bacilli, the organism responsible for causing the disease tuberculosis. Mingioli By Joseph Ostapiuk jostapiuk siadvance. The findings, presented at a virtual conference, shift away from the widely-believed hypothesis that coughing, a signature symptom of the disease, was the primary means of circulation. The disease is caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis and often targets the lungs but can also affect other parts of the body like the kidney, spine or brain.

It was previously believed transmission primarily occurred through coughing, which sprayed heavy droplets containing the bacteria onto others, according to the New York Times report. Research throughout the coronavirus COVID pandemic increasingly found the virus also spread through the air in tiny particlesthough that mode of transmission was not fully appreciated in the early stages of the pandemic. The most recent tuberculosis research comes on the heels of grim findings that showed yearly tuberculosis deaths increased for the first time in a decade last year.

Detection of tuberculosis is essential, the WHO said, as an estimated 66 million lives were saved through diagnosis and treatment between and Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. This is how work gets done in sensemaking organizations. Now that we have how can i report a story to the news sense of the importance of sensemaking in complex organizations, the question is: How do we do it in a timely manner?

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