Can i go back to a specific date on facebook

You can also click the tiny "About" link under your profile picture to view your basic info, About Me, work and education, and so on. How to Add New Events to Your Timeline Advertisement While you can add a status or photo to the top of your timeline as normal, the new view also allows you to add blocks on earlier sections of the timeline as well.
Say you have a baby picture you want to upload to Facebook.
You could go back to the year you were born and add it there, so it appears in chronological order, rather than putting it at the top. To do this, just find the desired spot on the timeline, and hover over the blue line in the middle. Your cursor will turn into a plus sign. You can then click there to add any kind of post you want, be it a new status, photo, place, or other life event such as a change in relationship status, change in city, or others. If you want to move a post that already exists—whether you posted it at the top or whether someone else posted an old picture of you—you can move it to a different spot on the timeline as well.
Just hover over the post and click the pencil icon that shows up. Hit "Change Date" to move it anywhere you want on your timeline, and it'll show up there from now on.

Advertisement How to Change the Look of Your Timeline You'll notice that while the interface is very different, Facebook doesn't work all that differently from the way it used to. At the top of your timeline, you can add a new status update, photo, or place, and you can read all your wall posts just by scrolling down the timeline.
The only new features you really need to learn about are those that directly relate to how your timeline looks.
You’re Temporarily Blocked
Advertisement The first thing you'll want to check out is the cover. Essentially, you have two main photos on the front of your profile—one is your profile picture, which you should already see. Amount of engagement i. Here are some examples of searches using these filters. Longtime Twitter users occasionally find themselves wondering what their first tweets were like and how much engagement they received. First, we must add our Twitter handle in the accounts filter, as shown below.
How to Search Someone’s Facebook Timeline
Note: you have to enter a value for date, month, and year or else Twitter will disregard the date filter. There it is, folks. Our first-ever tweet was a news story about an ad partnership between Yahoo and Twitter. And we received no engagement at all on any of our first tweets. How times have changed since then. Here, you can pan around and click on a location to see the available data points. From here, you can pick any date to see the detailed breakdown of your travel data.

While this stops the Google Maps app on your devices from tracking your location, some Google apps will still store time-stamped location data. While Apple might not have precise data, rest assured, Google Maps will.

Can i go back to a specific date on facebook Video
How to Check the Posts from Specific Date on Facebook? - Go to Specific Date on Facebook - FB TipsCan i go back to a specific date on facebook -
Share on Facebook If you regularly use your business Facebook page to post status updates, new pictures and other content, older posts will quickly get lost on your page's timeline.If you need to find an older post, you can use Facebook's Activity Log to filter posts by the month, year and type of update. Facebook remembers all of your posts dating back to when you created the page. You can also jump to a specific year and month on your timeline without the Activity Log, though the Activity Log has more features.
A New Feature Helps You Quickly Search Timelines
Select the "Activity Log" option. Step 2 Choose the year you wrote the original post using the dates on the right side of the Activity Log. With the proper year expanded, choose the month you posted the update. Learn more about the difference between a Page and a profile. Other: This is NOT abusive.
With the proper year expanded, choose the month you posted the update.
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