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Signs and symptoms of sleeping sickness

signs and symptoms of sleeping sickness signs and symptoms of sleeping sickness

In second-stage disease, invasion of the central nervous system causes a variety of neuropsychiatric manifestations to appear in addition to the first-stage signs and symptoms, with fever occurring less frequently over time. The patient also experiences mental hallucinations, delirium, anxiety, emotional lability, signs and symptoms of sleeping sickness deficit, apathy, aggression, mania, confusionmotor motor weakness, abnormal tone, gait disturbance, ataxia, tremor, speech disturbancessensory paraesthesia, hyperaesthesia, anaesthesia, pruritis, visual problemsand neurologic abnormal reflexes, seizures, coma signs and symptoms.

Compared to T. Page last reviewed: April 28, Procedures needed to treat stage one disease are simpler and less toxic than those used to treat more advanced infections. Stage One Treatments Two antimicrobial medications are primarily used to treat early-stage African trypanosomiasis: pentamidine and suramin.

signs and symptoms of sleeping sickness

This medication is usually well tolerated but can cause side effects like hypoglycemia and an upset stomach. Side effects are common, though generally mild and temporary.

It is effective at treating both stage one and early stage two of the disease. It cannot be used in first trimester of pregnancy or in children under 6 years of age. The most common side effects are nausea, vomiting, and headache. It is given as a once-daily pill for 10 days. Stage Two Treatments Three medications are recommended for infections that have already crossed the blood-brain barrier: eflornithine, melarsoprol, and nifurtimox.

Due to this, it is sometimes combined with nifurtimox so that it can be given in less frequent doses. Melarsoprol: Melarsoprol is the only medication available to treat East African sleeping sickness in its second stage, but it can treat West African sleeping sickness as well. An estimated 5 to 10 percent of the time, it can cause neurological issues or sometimes death. Ask locals if they know which areas have higher concentrations of tsetse flies and which places you should avoid.

Steer clear of bushes or thick vegetation during the day where the flies might be resting. Cover up by wearing long sleeves, long pants, and hats made from medium-weight, neutral-colored fabrics. Swollen nodule where the fly has bitten Swollen nodes all over the body Sweating In extreme cases, meningoencephalitis i.

In later stages, the person may even go into coma. It is very difficult to treat the disease in this stage. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the symptoms as early as possible.

signs and symptoms of sleeping sickness

Treatment It is recommended to consult the doctor immediately if any of these symptoms are observed.

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Signs and symptoms of sleeping sickness
Signs and symptoms of sleeping sickness

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