Meaning of kil in irish place names

Remember that most Irish placenames especially townlands have been in place for many hundreds — if not thousands — of years. Most were named when Irish was the everyday language. The tribal boundaries of these little kingdoms were constantly under pressure from ambitious neighbours. These boundaries, and the agreements that held them in place, were often orally agreed and witnessed. Prominent landmarks like hilltops, rivers, forts — and so on — were used to provide reference points.
Historical records matching St. William of Gellone, count of Toulouse
It was a time well before the maps we know today. Across Ireland, there was no single authority or administration — no single law system.

The Brehons judges administered a type of local law — dealing with areas like the division of land across generations, and the often resulting disputes. While there here no maps, almost every visual feature in a kingdom, townland or field had a name. There were often up to identifiable features inside a single townland.

As time went on, the Normans arrived. They used the existing names and naming systems for many of the towns, castles and baronies they put into place. Before you take a tour of Ireland, take a tour of the online Irish Gaelic lessons. Then you'll really be able to impress the locals! Irish signs in Kenmare- what do they mean?

One of the first things you might notice when starting to travel around Ireland is the road signs. You're much more likely to see Irish Gaelic on road signs than hearing it spoken.
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Just about any road sign pointing you to a town or city will have the name of the place in two the top bit in italics is Irish Gaelic, the bottom bit in capital letters is in English. In the case of Kilpatrick in West Dunbartonshire, the original church was located in the town which is now known as Old Kilpatrick.
A new church was built at the eastern side of this large parish, which became known as East or Easter Kilpatrick, with the prefix West or Wester being added to the existing church. By the nineteenth century, New Kilpatrick was a thriving village in what is now part of the north-western suburbs of Glasgow, but the name has subsequently fallen out of use.
The new station was given the name Bearsden and gradually the village itself acquired this rather incongruous designation.

Consider: Meaning of kil in irish place names
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Kelp thrives in the surrounding seas, which contain a diversity of unusual marine invertebrates.
Meaning of kil in irish place names Video
WTF!? Irish Placenames - Logainmneacha ón nGaeilge [Part 1/3]Meaning of kil in irish place names - from this
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