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How to check size of mail in gmail

how to check size of mail in gmail

If you just want to delete all message prior to a certain date use the older: search operator.

how to check size of mail in gmail

Open Google Drive and click the little down arrow in the rightmost column header. Selecting Quota used sorts all files by size with the largest on top. Google offers your 15GB free storage quota and now the question comes how to check Gmail storage?

In this tutorial, we are going to check this. You must note that the 15GB free storage is provided by Google for each user is collectively used by all G-Suite applications.

how to check size of mail in gmail

Here in this tutorial, we are also going to look at how you can manage your Gmail storage so that you can still receive all emails. Choose Default Text style: you can see there is default text style option.

Change the font-size: just after the font-family selector, there is double TT option click on that, and you can change the Font-size from small to large and huge to medium. Save Changes: On the bottom of this pagethere is save changes button click on that. Click on Compose : click on compose button, and write an email and you can automatically see the change in font-size.

How to change font-size in Gmail for android app The settings procedure of every phone is different.

how to check size of mail in gmail

The steps we are discussing below may be varies from phone to phone. Change Font-size in Gmail for android app: Open Settings: First, open the settings option in your android phone. Tap on Display : scroll down, you can see the display option and then click on that.

how to check size of mail in gmail

Click on Font: after the display option, you can see there is a font option, click on that option.

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