How do you translate central time in spanish
It is high time that we stopped wringing our hands and got serious. Ya es hora de que dejemos de retorcernos las manos y nos pongamos serios. From Europarl Parallel Corpus - Spanish-English Now is the time to set out a comprehensive strategy to address the situation in relation to the future. Now is the time to set out a comprehensive strategy to address the situation in relation to the future. It would be two or three times his annual turnover. This barbarous and, at the same time, grotesque regime must be contained. Regrettably it is not the first time that this has happened. Lamentablemente, no es la primera vez que esto ocurre. So it is time the negotiations were suspended. Son las tres. Son las cuatro.
Son las cinco. Son las seis. Son las siete. Son las ocho.
Son las nueve. Son las diez. Son las once. Son las doce. Why is that? Well, because it refers to la hora.
Son las 4 y media a. It is a. Son las 2 p. Time in the Past, Future, and Subjunctive When talking about the time that events took place, use the imperfect tense of ser. Era la una y cuatro de la madrugada. It was in the morning. Era la medianoche. It was midnight. Eran las once de la noche. It was 11 at night. The funeral will be at noon on Wednesday. Soon it will be 3 a. The local time will be 4 p. The subjunctive mood can also be used as needed: Esperamos que sea la una. We hope it's 1 o'clock. Tengo miedo que sean las seis y media.
I'm afraid it is Jenny ansiaba que fueran las tres de la tarde. Jenny was worried that it was 3 p. Other Time Expressions Here are time-related expressions and words that can be useful: Son las tres y cuarto en punto. It's exactly. It's about Salimos a las nueve.
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