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Can you watch old stories on instagram

can you watch old stories on instagram


Can you watch old on instagram Video

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Apologise, but: Can you watch old stories on instagram

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HOW TO UNINSTALL MESSENGER ON MAC Jul 24,  · Instagram stories have traditionally disappeared after 24 hours, but there's actually a way you can see your old stories and download them to your phone.

can you watch old stories on instagram

Just click the clock icon at the top right corner of your profile. If nothing shows up, you might need to update your app nda.or.ugted Reading Time: 3 mins.

can you watch old stories on instagram

Aug 28,  · Screen Recording Instagram Stories. If you’re looking to save someone else’s Instagram Story for future reference you can always screen record or Author: William Stanton.

can you watch old stories on instagram

If someone tells you about an Instagram Story that you definitely need to see but time has expired, odds are you are not going to be able to watch it. However, there’s a tiny bit of hope: if the story’s owner saved it as a highlight story, you can go to their profile and watch Estimated Reading Time: 1 min.

Can you watch old stories on instagram In the Instagram app, scroll down to Story Controls. As discussed in the previous sections, Instagram only allows users to access and repost the old stories that have not been deleted before being automatically expired.

can you watch old stories on instagram

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