In accordance with the National Drug Policy and Authority Act (Cap 206), and Regulations on importation and exportation of drugs (S.I 34, 2014), National Drug Authority hereby informs you that importation of drugs is to be conducted by entities with a valid license to operate a pharmacy and a valid import license.
In regard to the above, please take note of the following regulations on importation and exportation of drugs (S.I 34, 2014)
1. Regulation 3 requires that a person shall not import drugs into Uganda, without an import license issued by the Authority. The licence is for a period of one year and is only valid within the calendar year within which it is issued.
2. Regulation 4 prescribes the requirement for a person to have a license to operate a pharmacy in order to be eligible to apply for an import license.
3. Regulation 6 requires that a licensed importer must apply to NDA for a Verification Certificate for each consignment of drugs prior to importation.
An entity without an import license may be permitted to receive imported drugs through a licensed importer.
You are henceforth expected to comply with this guidance.
Yours sincerely,
David Nahamya
I want to send some medicines to my father in Hoima, Uganda. I need a approval from NDA for importing the medicines. What are the steps that i need to follow to get the approval
Hello, please follow the procedures on
Hello am inquiring about the requirement if some one is to import supplements.
Hello, kindly follow the procedure here…