National Drug Authority participated at the CBS Powesa Trade Fair at Wankuluku 16th – 23rd April 2019
Areas of sensitization included; fighting drug abuse in schools and regulation of herbal medicines among others.
Areas of sensitization included; fighting drug abuse in schools and regulation of herbal medicines among others.
over 716 boxes of assorted medicine were discovered from 3 trucks. From one of the trailers, 466 boxes of medicine for export without NDA authorization were intercepted The current ongoing operation in Kawempe is aimed at getting rid of illegal operators. The Inspectors of Drugs inspected 71 drug shops, closed 18 and impounded 30 boxes…
Primary school teachers that attended a feedback session on early detection and managing drug and substance abuse in schools.
Our dear clients, National Drug Authority informs you that our office will be closed on Friday 29th March 2019 from 3.00p.m to enable staff attend an official function. For urgent inquiries please call 0777-913653 / 0701-947210 or watsapp 0791-415555
NDA has apprehended 19 vendors of medicines in shift markets of Bukedea market (Bukedea district), Obalanga market (Kaperabyong district), Ochapa & Kasilo markets (Serere district), Ngora market (Ngora district), Arapai and Katine markets (Soroti district), Kamu & Buyaga markets (Bulambuli district). This has brought the much needed sanity in handling medicines as perpetrators are brought…
NDA press conference with Soroti RDC, and the deputy RDC of Bukedea district addressing the media in Soroti. The meeting discussed findings of the illegal sale of medicines in shift markets and how to curb the vice.