World Patient Safety Day
NDA joins Ministry of Health and all Ugandans to celebrate the World Patient Safety Day. Medicines are an essential component of health care delivery; our commitment is to ensure availability of quality, safe medicines that work well.
The 5th Annual National Pharmacovigilance Stakeholders’ Meeting
The National Pharmacovigilance stakeholders meeting is an annual meeting organized by the Directorate of Product Safety to engage stakeholders about the activities of the National Pharmacovigilance Centre and obtain feedback. This year, the 5th Annual National Pharmacovigilance Stakeholders’ meeting took place on May 4, 2022 at Imperial Royale Hotel Kampala. A total of 120 participants…
NDA hosts Arch Bishop of Church of Uganda
A Memorandum of Understanding between Church of Uganda and National Drug Authority was signed by Rev Dr. Samuel Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu to implement a school based drug abuse prevention program in Church of Uganda founded secondary Schools